Thursday, August 12, 2010

Doing Your Part for a Better Tomorrow!

Going green is actually a pretty easy process.  There is no need to stress over making big, elaborate changes, just start with baby steps!  That is exactly what my family is doing.  We are making small changes that will eventually add up to huge benefits!  First we started recycling anything and everything that was recyclable.  We cut down on our energy intake by turning everything off that was not being used and by unplugging appliances that were not being used.  We have been diligently trying to conserve water by turning the faucet off while brushing our teeth and by taking no more than 10 minutes in the shower.  Next, we converted our home to safer, non-caustic products.  All of our cleaning and personal care products are safer for the environment, my family and my home, and they are all bio-degradable.  Visit to attend a free online webinar to learn more about the benefits of going green with safer products.

There are many other, simply ways, we can all be "green."  Below are just a few examples of simple changes:

1.  Replace paper napkins with cloth napkins
2.  Use old towels and dishrags in place of paper towels for cleaning
3.  Replace light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs
4.  Stop drinking individual water bottles

Everyone can do their part in helping to save our planet!

For more information on simple ways you can "go green" visit

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Learning Through Others

The other day I received an email from a wonderful friend.  She mentioned that her and a couple of her friends had a great conversation about wanting to "go green" in order to provide a better future for their children!  What a great conversation to have with someone.  In this day and age, there are SO many ways we can improve the quality of our environment; from recycling; to conserving energy; to the products we use.  My family and I work hard to ensure a better future for our environment.  We recycle whatever we can.  We do not waste electricity or water.  We use wonderful products that are non-toxic, non-caustic and biodegradable.  It's amazing what we can learn from others.  New ideas.  New strategies.  New you.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Can Sunscreen Cause Cancer?

It's that time of year!  Summer is the season of pool party's, beach party's, cook-outs and sunbathing!  Many people hope to achieve a nice golden glow to their skin, while others try very hard to avoid too much sun exposure, at all.  We are lectured on the importance of using sunscreen to avoid getting burned, premature aging, and more importantly, to protect our skin from the harmful cancer causing sun-rays!  Sunscreen has become a staple in most homes across the world in an effort to avoid the harmful affects of the sun.  But, can the sunscreen we are using cause cancer?

Studies suggest that there are toxic ingredients in sunscreens that can actually promote cancer rather than prevent it.  Additionally, by absorbing the chemicals found in most sunscreens, through the skin, they can block the body's absorption of ultra-violet radiation that produces Vitamin D, which studies have shown, prevent 77 percent of  all cancers.  Now, there is no saying for sure if sunscreens can, in fact, cause cancer, but a study in "April 2004 Journal of Chromatography found that there is significant penetration of all sunscreen agents they studied into the skin, and oxybenzone and metabolites across the skin. For that matter, anything you put on your skin will be absorbed into your body.  If you're going to use a sunscreen look for a natural alternative to commercial sunscreens that contain no petrochemicals, such as aloe vera gel; it works as a natural sunscreen, and helps heal a sunburn."


Monday, June 14, 2010

Toxins and Autism

As parents, we really need to be aware of what our children are exposed to.  There are may toxins out there, in the environment, as well as products, that are harming our children.

Take a moment to view the link below.  This study is eye-opening and imperative for everyone to be made aware of!!

Study: Toxins Linked to Autism -

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Reduce! Reuse! Recycle!

Being pro-active when it comes to recycling is one of the easiest things we can do to help the environment and to help protect natural resources from being depleted.

There are three major components to reducing your environmental footprint:  Reduce; Reuse; Recycle.

By cutting back on what we consume daily, including solid waste, energy, and water, we can help "reduce" our environmental footprint.

By finding other ways to "reuse" products for another purpose is a great way to reduce your impact on the environment.

Once an item has been used to it's max, and there is nothing else useful to do with it, recycle it!  There are many ways you can "recycle" products, such as curbside recycling and mail back programs.

"Communities as well as individuals are always looking for new ways to address the concern of reduction. The most common, cost-effective way is reducing household waste and recycling. According to the EPA, about 75 percent of what is found in the average garbage can is recyclable, and our national recycling rate hovers at around 14 percent, so there is definitely room for improvement."

The information listed above was found at 

RECYCLE! What does it mean?

re·cy·cle [ree-sahy-kuhl] verb, -cled, -cling, noun

–verb (used with object)
1.  to treat or process (used or waste materials) so as to make suitable for reuse: recycling paper to save trees.
2.  to alter or adapt for new use without changing the essential form or nature of: The old factory is being recycled as a theater.
3.  to use again in the original form or with minimal alteration: The governor recycled some speeches from his early days.
4.  to cause to pass through a cycle again: to recycle laundry through a washing machine.
–verb (used without object)
5.  to pass through a cycle again; repeat a process from the beginning.
6.  to undergo reuse or renewal; be subject to or suitable for further use, activity, etc.: The industry will recycle and become profitable once more.
7.  the act or process of recycling.

1925–30; re-  + cycle

re·cy·cla·ble, adjective
re·cy·cla·bil·i·ty, noun
re·cy·cler, re·cy·clist, noun
non·re·cy·cla·ble, adjective
un·re·cy·cled, adjective Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2010.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I am introducing my new blog with tips and information on how to go green!  Please stay tuned for some great information!  Thank you for your patience and I look forward to your visits!